All anger, be it impotent or righteous, has been aimed at the humble egg.
Are the prices going up or down. Who is to blame. How do we get things back to how they were. Why is there a gray, washed-out hue to everything. Is it ocular macro degeneration. Maybe my mother was right all along, it is that damn phone. Our minds were not designed to bear witness to total suffering daily. And eggs still cost too much money. We must take to the streets.
Egg. Symbol for beginnings, for the genesis, for what comes before. Bear Grylls eats them out of nests and gives a half-hearted thumbs up. Diners the world over serve them up soft, sunny-side, scrambled, and everything in between. And now the egg is the new Culture War Consumer Product of The Month. It used to be gas. Then it was Starbucks. Variety is the spice of life.
We are certainly in the primordial egg soup of a new era. Although it doesn’t feel very new. Social justice is dead and buried. Who’s got time for that. Right now it’s bombshells, burgers, and well, bombs. Welcome to the Roaring 2020’s. A vacuum-sealed, gold-plated glorious reimagining of a decade of gaudy decadence that ended just fine and without much to write home about. Elon sends his love. Kanye’s lost his mind. It’s time to hold ourselves accountable, maybe Billy Joel was way off. Maybe we did start the fire.
Can’t make an omelette without cracking a few eggs. Still waiting on that damn omelette though.
It’s not all doomscroll and gloom. Every morning I google “Good news from around the world.” The top result is a decades-old GeoCities website that publishes heart-warming news as well as lessons from the honorable Yogi Maharishi. I need to hit up the Good Guru for SEO tips and tricks and digital marketing advice.